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Within An Hour

It happened the same day as I was caned for not having my PE shorts.

In fact, the lesson following. It was a free period, and the class master Mr Brenda was taking the lesson. He was young and a little bit of a push over compared with the other masters at this rather strict government school.

One of the boys had turned to the master and mentioned that I had got the cane with two other boys at the previous lesson. Not knowing where to put my embarrassed face, I answered that I did have two strokes from the PE master within the last hour.

"Let's see the marks". Everyone started chanting.

"No," I kept saying. But, somehow the majority got the best of me, and I let my school-greys (trousers) drop to my ankles followed by my 'Y' Fronts. I wriggled my hips to the loud applause of the 30 odd colleges, lifted my shirt and vest and with a wriggle from my bottom showed all to see. Mr Brenda was looking at me with a smile on his face, so I started to play to the audience, perhaps too much. My cock was very semi-hard by then, so, I started to play with it, again the boys cheered in unison. Mr Brenda just could manage the class, and before we knew it the year master had walked in and caught me.

"My office sonny" he glared at me.

Pulling up my trousers and underpants I made my way up the small winding staircase to his office and waited outside for him to get back.

It would have been at least 10 minutes before he arrived at the door.

"Come in, bend over that chair". He said going to the drawer where he keeps the cane.

"But Sir", I said trying to get my side of the story out.

"You want to make it six?" he said flexing the cane through the air.

"No, Sir" I said giving in to the situation.

I got two strokes and then told to get up, they were heavy strokes, which made me gasp.

"Do you know what they were for? They were because you were masturbating in front of the class".

"Yes Sir". I could only agree with him.

"I think you need counselling, several of you boys go to the school counsellor, so, I am putting your name down. Then I will contact your parents on the matter".

"Please Sir don't tell my parents, they will not understand. I'll do any thing you say". I was begging and really afraid of my mum or Dad finding out.

"Counsellor will be here on Friday morning after assembly. Make yourself available".

Friday came too soon, I really didn't think I needed counselling. But, I attended assembly and then to meet the counsellor. He was a very interesting guy, I sat and watched him putting his paperwork out all neatly. Straightened his tie, blew his nose, I questioned my brain as to what else he will do! Ready, steady, go. He spoke to me as last. With rather a high pitch voice.

He went through the hidden 'dangers' of wanking, and I kept smiling to myself. And agreed and disagreed with what he was saying, more of a humouring then anything else.

Suddenly he turned to me and suggested I attend his evening or weekend class, assured there is only three other boys from this school and four from another local school. He said he would like to know more about why I wank while thinking about the cane.

I spent most of that evening wanking and thinking about what it would feel like having the cane across my bare buttocks.

No, this could never happen I thought, although it was within the last 10/20 years before, this would have been the punishment of the day. (Oh, how I wished I had schooled in those times).

The day came when I was to go to the first group meeting, we all turned up on time, which was a must if you attended. Yes, I knew the other three from my school, although I was a bit surprised at one of the boys, and I knew one of the boys from the other school, he was in the same 'Boys Brigade' as me.

"Right boys who had the cane today?"

Nobody owned up.


Still no hands.

"Come on, somebody has to say something".

"I did on Tuesday". I said, taking note of what the others were doing or thinking.

"Yes, and what else were you up to"? He said looking down across his glasses.

"I I I... was wanking". I said lowering my head down.

"Yes, exactly, all you boys are guilty of this act after you have been caned, why,"

There were several different answers, which came out. But, after that, the ice more then broken, it was a free for all and we really did loose the plot.

We all were talking about our experiences, how we wanked, where, when, who with, even how explosive we were. I think our counsellor was getting more embarrassed then any of us. Then we were going to compare marks, but the line was draw there.

"No, you boys are supposed to be here to be counselled". All of us were sporting a very hard erection, anyone could see the impression in our pants.

We all went through a psychological test, which we wrote down our answers and handed them in to be marked.The day was over for us in this 'class'.

Me and one of the boys from the other school, decided to go for a walk down one of the local lanes, I knew of an isolated barn where we could inspect each other marks.

He was a dream for me as I had been very partial to ginger headed boys. He gave me a few smiles while we were in class so I felt we could have a little thing going between us.

In the barn I didn't have to be asked to shed my trousers and underpants, bending slightly as I leaned on a make shift table, he lifted my shirt tails up, and revealed my small buttocks. His hands gently caressing my ridged buttocks. I was very proud of my cane marks, they meant a great deal to my mental disposition.

His hands were warm and soft, my cock got excited and started to rise, I looked around he was smiling, and thoroughly enjoying playing with my bottom. When he saw me look, his hand went between my legs and fondled my balls, this sent electricity through my whole body, my cock enjoyed the attention, and soon I was in ecstasy and my cock was throbbing with pleasure. His hot breathe still blowing towards my 'glory-hole'. I noticed a large pool of my white cream on the floor in front of me.

After I recovered, I pulled my pants and trousers back on and my friend took my place, his trousers and underpants in a heap on the floor. I lifted his shirt up. Yes, three very nice deep red welts across both buttocks, they were beautifully round with a fluff of pubescence, he had a very clean crease and his balls dangling quite low between his legs.

I wanted to eat him.

I fondled his ridged buttocks and his cock sprung into life, it was already wet with pre-cum, I knew exactly what he needed, what I wanted. I squeezed between his legs and got his cock in my mouth. It was perfect, a most wonderful taste. I gently sucked while I was playing with his buttocks. It was only seconds before I felt his cock begin to expand, so I deep throated him, his cock pushed easily down to the back of my throat, just as his orgasm started, he was very vocal and yelled as if he was being murdered. I sucked until his cock shrivelled up out of the mouth. I had drunk my first helping of sacred love juice, and I was hooked. I wanted more. I knew each time we got together I would end up eating him, my only hope was that he would reciprocate.

We were spent, and looked forward to seeing each other after the next session in the class.

I spent the next week reliving this moment I had spent with Roger.

I had got the cane two strokes from the English master, for scruffy textbook, this give me a real good set of welts to show off. But, it was the geography master who gave me the best results of the week, I wish we had given them marks out of ten then we could have compared master strokes. He would keep all caning of boys to the end of the day, thus if you were to be caned with in the first few hours you would have to wait until 4.15pm when school finished to receive your strokes. I fell into this category midweek, I stood under the clock in the main hall waiting then through the doors which lead to the outside he came.

"You". He shouted. "Follow me to the headmasters office".

I did as required, as we had to in the 60s. When we arrived.

"Wait outside until I am ready for you".

Five minutes later he came out and we went back in the office.

"Remove your trousers". He said, I did and bent down to touch my toes in the classical position.

"You are not wearing traditional white school 'Y' Front underpants". He said.

"But". I said."My mum hadn't washed my white pants, Sir".

"You will have your mother to thank for the two extra strokes I am giving you. Take them off I am not caning you dressed in those".

I removed my underpants, to reveal my little bottom.

"Touch your toes, keep your legs straight, and if you feel you have to jump up put your hands behind your head".

This was in the school boys bible, never touch your painful bottom. I felt my shirt being lifted as high as possible up my back, he swivelled my torso to get the best advantage, next thing I knew the cane had slashed across my bare cheeks.

"Relax you buttocks". He said, and then gave me the second stroke.

'Relax your buttocks' as a schoolboy receiving the cane is it possible to relax your buttocks?

I straightened up all right and danced on the spot.

"Now". He said. "Over the chair, this time you won't jump up but, I want to hear some noise. Its all been too quiet".

I held on for dear life to the chair seat, straight legs, pushed out bottom, yes I knew the system. The cane cracked four more times across my bottom, I let out an almighty yell after each stroke, but loved the attention my bottom was getting.

When all was over he put the cane back into the drawer and came back to me, I had managed a few tears. He put his massive hand on my bottom.

I staggered from the office, trying hard not to let the material of my underpants touch or rub on my flesh. As I passed the medical room the school nurse who was working late came out, he saw me.

He said, "You look a little worse for wear, can I assist you?"

I went with him into the medical room,

He said. "Go over the couch and lay on it I will put some cream which will stop the blistering effect but not the pain".

I laid on the cold leather couch, there was a large hole in the middle which when laying down my cock fell through and dangled in the air, stiff of course. With one hand he applied the cream with the other he stroked my cock, it was long before I exploded into a kidney shaped bowl which was on a shelf just under my cock.

I was very embarrassed at the occurrence of my cock exploding but it was entirely my fault, I buried my red face hard into the leather couch, and when the medic said to get up I very carefully rose for the couch and covered my cock with my shirt.

He had turned his back as to give me a little bit of decency. I had put my underpants on and trousers by the time he turned around.

I had heard of what the medic might do under this sort of circumstance but didn't believe until now, but I must admit I enjoyed it.... Hope it happens again!!!!

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